In Community Projects
The In Community projects below offer individual peer learners like you an important opportunity to connect to the wider community of peer workers. They represent a wide range of peer-designed training tools that dive deeper into specialized areas of peer support work such as working alongside sex workers, a history of prohibition and the drug user liberation movement. You may want to pair In Community projects that are of particular interest to you and your work with a program of relevant modules available under Courses.
Peer Health Advocate Training Program
Parent to Parent Peer Support – The History & Growth of Parent Peer Support for Child & Youth Mental Health
A Brief History of Prohibition in BC
Mental Health Peer Support Group Leadership
Acute Care/Emergency Department Peer Support Training
Re-energizing Wellness: A Resource for Peer-Led Wellness Programs in Indigenous Communities
Education for Forming and Sustaining Associations of People Who Use Drugs
“I was never given any core values to have as a guide interacting with those I worked with. I only had my own values to rely on. It takes the onus off me knowing that I have a set of standards that are the same across the board.”
F.D., Peer Worker